Privacy Policy

Fábrica de Móveis Florense Ltda, committed to the right to privacy of the Florense Inside Website user, requests that, before accessing the services, this Privacy Policy is read carefully, in order to clarify the way in which it collects and uses personal data and other information. I. Purpose of the Florense Inside Website and personal data The Florense Inside Website aims to provide users with access to information about the company, its products and its franchised service delivery network, in order to visually demonstrate the differentials offered by the Florense Inside brand. User-related data is collected strictly to allow authentication of the Information Holder. II. Recipient of the Privacy Policy This privacy policy is solely restricted to the Florense Inside Website and applies to the processing of personal information of users who access and use the Website. III. Types of personal data collected Florense Inside does not automatically collect information from the Florense Inside Website; it exclusively processes personal information related to the registration and authentication of the e-mail, provided directly from the holder, allows the user to be duly identified individually, through the creation of a profile by registering the e-mail address, or by the authentication of the Facebook and Instagram social networks. We emphasize that the only data requested by the Florense Inside Website serve to provide information about its products and services. IV. Legal basis for data processing Florense Inside collects your email for the sole purpose of linking the elements of products and services accessed to your needs, processing your personal information. The treatment carried out is configured as a legitimate interest (art. 10, I, Law No. 13.709/2018 - LGPD), without canceling your interests, rights and freedoms as a user and holder of the information. V. Rights The Holder, when providing his personal data to access the Florense Inside Website, has the rights in relation to his information, subject to the conditions of the LGPD - General Data Protection Law (Law No. the right to obtain access to their data, to have them corrected, deleted together with portability, for the information to be delivered or even to oppose the processing, which may be requested by means of an email request to contato@Florense or by calling 0800 970 0053. VI. Transfer of one’s personal data Your data will not be used for commercial content, advertisements, offers or any media of the kind, nor will they be transferred to third parties or service providers. Yet, they may be made available to Public Authorities when the request is made under the terms of the legislation. VII. Conservation, retention and deletion period Personal data collected for the purpose of providing the user with access to the Florense Inside Website will be deleted from our database 06 months after the holder's last access, with no further processing of such information. In this way, the rights to access, correct, delete and portability of the data cannot be enforced after the effective deletion of the user's data from the database, as Florense Inside will not keep such information after the deletion action. VIII. Unsubscribe request The user may exercise the right to object and contest the way in which Florense Inside handles their personal information, at any time, including the possibility of the holder requesting that the registration of their e-mail with the Website being undone by means of a request via or by calling 0800 970 0053. IX. Processing method Florense Inside will use adequate information security measures to keep the Data Subject's personal data confidential and secure, storing them in operational environments that use reasonable security measures to prevent unauthorized access, following reasonable protocols to protect personal data. X. Changes in the privacy policy Florense Inside reserves the right to promote, occasionally and at any time, the amendment of this privacy policy to allow the processing of personal information to be carried out in accordance with the expectations of its holders. XI. Contact To provide clarifications, answer questions and/or respond to any requests from the recipients of this Privacy Policy, please contact us via or by phone 0800 970 0053.